The Value of Life and the Orientation of History    

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The reason why people are human beings and spiritual animals is because people have the ability to think and to create.

And many people live in the present, they are often caught in the torrent of history, swiftly swallowed by huge torrents and drowned.

However, there are a handful of people, fearing the torrent of history.

Not only to create a history, but also to their own lives to the vast universe, the achievements of his Cuican life.

Not only to obtain the eternal value of life, but also get the historical position.

Most people have learned to run their own fame and fortune.

But never thinking about the value of their lives and the history of the positioning of their own lives.

Some people who have seen the past have made history, while we are living in the present

while we have accumulated a lot of helplessness for ourselves.

Most people have great expectations of life, but eventually due to the reality of life, but to the good fortune of life yield.

why? Because the students do not happen? Or is it overpowering?

If you give up your life because of real life, then why not live up to the beauty of life?

Look at the past, those poet who .. is full of lofty ideals or not its blog.

But not to write down the article in the future and inspire people.

So when we live in the present.

See the past revolutionary martyrs shed blood to fight for the nation and nation

How can we disregard everything because we covet ourselves to such a tiny life in the universe?

Today, we live in Taiwan, and now we are full of corrupt officials and shameless politicians.

Experts and scholars, poisoning people 's lives, being trampled on the dignity of the people.

Under the guise of the banner of slogans, to do all the omnipotent challenge of ethnic groups to provoke ideology.

Rape our wisdom .. insult our dignity, be trampled on our lives.

We're going to continue to ignore all this.

When we see the government will be the country's important resources into private.

Leading to the continuous rise in the price of oil.

We are really willing to follow the crowd drifting by history.

Friends .. think carefully about the future of the country and the future of the next generation.

There is a song.

Head on the ground.

I stood on the tough guy ridge firmly resolutely vowed to the sky.

To be an upright Chinese, to create a big business with vigor and vitality.

The mountain can not hold back the ambition of revolution.

The fire can not burn away the righteous belief.

End of the day to struggle in the end

Head on the ground.

I stood on the tough guy ridge firmly resolutely vowed to the sky.

To be an upright Chinese, to create a big business with vigor and vitality.

Friends, stand out, stand out, take your courage, for the nation.

Achieve the value of their lives and the history of positioning it ..!

gino   2007/07/05    

